Chi Alpha is a National Movement on hundreds of Universities across the United States. We get our name from the first greek letters of Christou Apostoloi which translates to Christ’s Ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20).
For more information on our national movement, visit our national
Chi Alpha website (www.chialpha.com)
Core Values
Romans 12:1 says that we are to “offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is true and proper worship”.
Worship is about so much more than singing songs (although we do enjoy singing). It is about sacrificially devoting our lives to the pursuit of God. We want to know Him more and fall more in love with Him because He is not just an addition to our lives, He is the center of it all. When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37-38) With all we have, we desire to love and glorify God.
Jesus continues, “and the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself”. Matthew 22:39
We believe everyone in the world is searching for community; a place where they belong. In Chi Alpha, we aim to love each other extravagantly well. Whether we're sharing life in Cell Group, praising God together at Large Group, getting away on a retreat, or flying across oceans to bring the Gospel of God's Kingdom to the underserved, we love doing it together. We fight to have a community like Acts 2 that is marked by devotion to the word, fellowship with one another, sharing of burdens, sacrifice, and the Lord adding to our number daily those who are being saved.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19
​We believe that it is the call of every Christ follower to be actively involved in God's mission to reconcile the world to himself! We actively call, equip, and send students into the mission field. Locally, nationally, and globally, we sacrifice to serve the broken, the lonely, and the lost. We long to proclaim Jesus with our words and lives everywhere we go. We are a movement that is missional, both at the University of Alabama and all across the world.
Our Staff Team

Koby & Grace Cormier
Campus Pastors
Koby and Grace are originally from Atlanta and Houston, respectively, and they met here at UA while in Chi Alpha as students! In Spring of 2020, they got married, graduated, and started serving as full-time XA missionaries. In February 2023, they had their daughter, Clementine! They started serving as the directors of Alabama Chi Alpha in 2024.
Although they both grew up in church, it was in Chi Alpha at UA that Koby discovered true brotherhood that would not allow him to stay stagnant in his faith, and Grace found sisters who fought to intimately know her and teach her how to both receive love as well as truly love both God and people. This kind of discipleship impacted them so greatly that they've dedicated their lives to making lifelong disciples of Jesus, and there's no where they'd rather do that more than at UA - Roll Tide!
Nothing makes Koby’s day like a morning spent reading with a flat white in hand before he leaves for an outdoor adventure, and Grace is thrilled when she gets to create anything fun- from baking to home improvement to gardening- to share with her friends. Their daughter Clementine is one of the sweetest, most fun kids you'll ever meet. Come say hi if you see her on campus! As a family, they love exploring cities, eating international food, and cooking for their friends, so they’d love to have you over for dinner soon!

Will Einhorn
Career Missionary Staff
Will is originally from New Jersey, but moved to Virginia where he attended Longwood University. Before college, he didn't know God. During his freshman year, two friends invited him to Chi Alpha, and since then his life has been dramatically transformed. He saw the way students worshipped and lived for God, and it changed him forever.
After graduating with a degree in history education, he moved to Auburn, AL for a Chi Alpha internship. He has served full-time at The University of Alabama since 2014.
Will is probably the most serious coffee drinker you will ever meet, loves to read and study theology, and enjoys cooking. In fact, he would love to cook you dinner sometime, which is great because then you would get to hang out his amazing wife Amanda and beautiful daughters Michele, Hannah, and Faith.
Caleb Dayer
Career Missionary Staff
Caleb is originally from Conway, Arkansas and grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, and playing all kinds of sports. In college, he pursued a career in the medical field with the intention of helping people physically, but the Lord had greater plans for him.
In his junior year of college, Jesus changed his heart and from then on he has pursued knowing Him and making Him known. Caleb has served with Chi Alpha since 2015 because he believes Jesus' model of discipleship changes lives!
Caleb is married to the most beautiful woman in the world, Lizzy, and they have two sons: Wake and Merit! They both love Jesus so much and wouldn’t be here without Him!

Joey Monroe
Affiliated Missionary- Off Campus
Joey moved from Spartanburg, South Carolina to Tuscaloosa, Alabama to study math and aerospace engineering. While there, he learned about friendship with God and with other believers. This deeply impacted him and led him to pivot his plans. He has been serving with Chi Alpha since graduating from UA in 2021.
Currently, you will find Joey probably running through your neighborhood, playing the bass, reading on his kindle, or drinking a great cup of coffee with his wife Maggie.
However, in the summer of 2025, the Monroes will be pivoting again - this time to Southeast Asia! The Monroes will be raising their funding full-time in Spring 2025. If you would be interested in learning more about this, you can message Joey at (864) 541-1614.